The Finnish Architectural Review presents and reviews the most interesting architecture in Finland, from new buildings and urban planning to restoration and interior design. Each edition of the journal has an overall theme, accompanied by topical articles. The Arena section of the journal presents recent trends in both Finnish and international architecture, industrial design and the arts, as well as research and book reviews.

Housing Studies
The leading housing journal and has played a major role in theoretical and analytical developments within this area of study.
The journal has explored a range of academic and policy concerns including the following:
- linkages between housing and other areas of social and economic policy
- the role of housing in everyday life and in gender, class and age relationships
- the economics of housing expenditure and housing finance
- international comparisons and developments
- issues of sustainability and housing development
- demographic and social trends and the changing role of housing tenures
- theoretical and conceptual frameworks for housing studies
- Housing Studies is not limited in its geographical scope and welcomes contributions - on housing and housing related issues in any national or cross-national context. - - The journal also features contributions from many different disciplines including economics, political science, urban studies, history, social administration, sociology, geography, law and planning.

Ra : revista de arquitectura
Revista de Arquitectura was born as a supplement to Re (Revista de Edificación), a publication that is regularly published by the Higher School of Architecture of the University of Navarre.
Ra is a forum that is suitable for the expression of the results of the study and the academic debate with regard to the diverse dimensions of the interest in architecture and the city that is fitting to the university vision: understanding them to be cultural realities of unarguable importance and impact and as objects of careful attention, study and investigation. It seeks to feed the perception of architecture that allows one not to lose sight of its dimension as a cultural discipline, in the broadest sense of the word, imposing as its only limitation.
Seems like just a lot of blah blah blah. But kinda points me in a direction. Emphasis on kinda.
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